diagnosis, CAD)來分析醫學影像,利用機器學習(Machine
Level Size Zone Matrix)和GLCM(Gray
Level Co-occurrence Matrix)特徵在不同級別的肝纖維化判斷中均顯示出高度的重要性。除了分析肝纖維化的主要特徵,本研究還建立了肝纖維化分類器,以病人為單位,透過階層式分類結合多個模型,將準確率從60%提高至80%以上,以協助醫師對肝纖維化進行初步判斷。透過本研究找到的主要特徵級建立的分類模型,可提供未來醫師對於影像判讀參考的量化標準,增加檢測肝臟疾病的診斷效率以及預測準確率,建立更完善的醫療診斷系統。
關鍵宇:電腦輔助診斷 ; 超音波 ; 機器學習 ; 影像組學 ; 肝纖維化
In clinical practice, doctors use medical imaging to diagnose
diseases, but diagnosis requires extensive experience and training. To
assist doctors in diagnosis, many studies currently employ
Computer-aided Diagnosis (CAD) to analyze medical images and use
algorithms such as Support Vector Machines (SVM) or Deep Learning to
establish disease discrimination models. For example, these models
have demonstrated good accuracy in the judgment of pulmonary nodules.
However, these models often lack interpretability regarding their
judgment results, making it difficult for doctors to understand which
image features the computer used for its judgments. Therefore, these
models are still challenging to implement widely in practical clinical
use. In the past, the evaluation of liver ultrasound images typically
required analysis by physicians. To assist in diagnosing liver
conditions and enhance practicality, this study aims to establish a
liver auxiliary diagnosis system. This research primarily collects
clinical abdominal ultrasound images and applies machine learning
techniques combined with radiomics methods to extract features from
the liver ultrasound images, including a total of 92 features related
to brightness and texture. Initially, a Random Forest method is
employed to select the most important features, and then these
features are used to retrain the model to analyze the primary
characteristics of liver fibrosis in the radiomics data. The study
primarily trains multiple different Random Forest classification
models to distinguish between normal liver and various severity levels
of diseased liver, finding that GLSZM and GLCM features consistently
show high importance in determining different levels of liver
fibrosis. In addition to analyzing the main features of liver
fibrosis, the study also establishes a liver fibrosis classifier. By
using a hierarchical classification that combines multiple models, the
accuracy rate is improved from 60% to over 80%, assisting physicians
in the preliminary assessment of liver fibrosis. The classification
model built using the key features identified in this study can
provide quantitative standards for image interpretation, enhancing the
efficiency and accuracy of liver disease diagnosis and creating a more
comprehensive medical diagnostic system.
Key words:
Computer-aided diagnosis ; Ultrasound ; Machine
Learning ; Radiomics ; Fiber