

林冠良 Guan-Liang Lin


Meta learning用於銑削加工中刀具磨耗偵測

Meta Learning for Tool Wear Monitoring in Milling





  本研究以電流勾錶擷取主軸電流訊號,並同時將加速規置於虎鉗以擷取振動訊號,最後以這些訊號作為刀具磨耗狀態的特徵進而建立刀具磨耗預測模型。選擇加速規是由於精準度高、穩定度高、功耗低、結構簡單,不易受雜訊及溫度波動的影響,適合做輕微結構的動態測試(如本研究之微銑削),相較於動力計安裝於虎鉗更為方便,因此適用本研究之訊號量測,同時主軸電流訊號與切削力有高度正相關,故選擇加速規、電流勾錶做為訊號來源。本研究利用上述特徵以隨機森林(Random forest)及皮爾森積動差相關係數 (Pearson correlation coefficient)選取時域、頻域的重要特徵,將其重要特徵置於元學習(Meta Learning)以建立刀具磨耗預測模型,為提升其泛化能力,將排列好之切削條件依序放入,探討切削條件順序對整個模型準確度之影響。


關鍵字Meta learning振動訊號、加速規、刀具磨耗、銑削、深度學習


     In recent years, the manufacturing industry has paid more and more attention to the development of models for predicting machine failure or tool wear. In the past, there are researches studying tool wear monitoring system based on data analysis. Most of them built tool wear monitoring model using cutting conditions, for example speed and feed, according to ones they had already set. By using these models, we can correctly identify the testing data which correspond to the condition they set. In contrast, few researches that studying identifying the data which is not correspond to the condition we set. Therefore, generalization of models using these methods still needs to be discussed. In this research, data corresponding to specific cutting condition is excluded from training data set. Then, these data will be included to testing data set to test the accuracy of the model. The generalization of tool wear monitoring model could be test by this method.

     The accelerometer is attached on vise to capture vibration signal, and the current clamp meter is used to capture spindle current signal. These signal will be the features of their tool wear condition. Accelerometer is small, easy to install, relatively low cost and is has high signal-to-noise ratio. Using vibration signal can monitor the change of tool status more instantaneously than the cutting force. The spindle current has highly positive correlation with cutting force. In this study, vibration and current signal will be used to build a random forest model to identify the wear status. In order to test the generalization of the model, some data capture in specific cutting condition is exclude from training set but include in testing set. The result is that the accuracies are higher than 80% in almost all conditions, and the lowest on is about 65%. After standardization, the power factor will be removed so that features of structure vibration when feature selecting, and the lowest accuracy can increase to 75%, in addition, the problem that model fail identified serious wear into little wear is solved. Therefore, the model can identify tool wear status more correctly.


Keywords: vibration signal, accelerometers, tool wear, machine learning, milling