課號  :522 M2790
類別  :選修
名稱  :工具機動態分析與控制
學分  :
適修年級: 大四、研究所
  1. Introduction
  2. Chatter phenomena in machining processes
    a. Forced vibration
    b. Self excited vibration
    c. Regenerative chatter in grinding process
  3. Dynamics of machine tools
  4. Modeling of machining forces
    a. Static cutting forces
    b. Dynamic cutting forces
    c. Dynamic grinding forces
  5. Analysis of forced vibration
    a. Influences of forced vibrations on surface waves
    b. Cutting forces variation in interrupted cutting
  6. Stability analysis of self-excited vibrations
    a. Stability of dynamic system with one degree of freedom
    b. Regenerative chatter
    c. Self-excited chatter caused by mode coupling
    d. Self-excited chatter due to falling characteristic of cutting force
    e. Regenerative chatter in grinding
  7. Suppression of chatter vibrations
    a. Search for causes of chatter vibrations
    b. Suppression of forced vibrations
    c. Suppression of regenerative chatter
  8. Evaluation of dynamic performance of machine tools
    a. Direct cutting test
    b. Measurement of dynamic compliance
    c. Modal analysis and theoretical analysis of machine tool dynamics
  9. Related topics
    a. Chatter control
    b. Adaptive control
預修課程 : 機械製造、振動學
授課老師 : 廖運炫
課程說明 :
  1. 本課程主要是介紹工具機於切削時產生不穩定的原因及克服方法﹐課 程中亦將討論提高金屬去除率的新近研究與方法。對於工具機設計、 實際進行切削加工及工具機控制有興趣者是一值得參考之課程。
  2. 此課程與振動學有關﹐但偏重於自激式振動﹐亦與自動控制有關。此 課程目前尚未有其他後續之課程。
  3. 於課程中之習題大部份需用電腦解(熟悉應用軟體如MATLAB即可)。
  4. 課以黑板講解方式進行。期中將安排示範實驗﹐以熟習相關之實驗 儀器。並去工研院機械所或工具機廠參觀﹐驗證課堂上之講解於實際 切削時發生之問題。
評分考試 :
   一學期作業共約六題﹐考試與否視實際教學狀況決定﹐若無考試則學期 末要求交一相關之期末報告。
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