課號  : 522 U4830
類別  : 選修
名稱  : 感測器原理與設計
英文名稱: Principle and Design of Sensors
學分  :
適修年級: 大四與研究所
  • General Introduction
  • Force, Pressure and Stress Sensors
  • Strain and Displacement Sensors
  • Speed and Acceleration Sensors
  • Sensors for Optical Systems
  • Sensors for diverse Systems
預修課程 : 修過自動控制、應用電子學等相關課程
授課老師 : 黃光裕
課程說明 :
評分考試 : 平時學期中上課表現與期末口頭與書面報告。
注意事項 :
以一本精選之英文教材為主幹,英文專業文獻為輔。 選修同學必須在課前讀完指定教材,上課由同學當場口頭翻譯教材內容,並且要解答其他同學的現場疑點詢問,階段性單元完成後由老師主持進行較深入內容討論與疑點說明,討論內容由指定同學作記錄分享同學。
參 考 書 :
    1. P. Ciureanu and S. Middelhoek :Thin film resistive sensors. Bristol ; Philadelphia : Institute of Physics Pub., 1992
    2. Ramon Pallas-Areny, John G. Webster: Sensors and signal conditioning. New York : Wiley, 1991. (90學年第二學期上課用教材)
    3. C. Loughlin: Sensors for industrial inspection , Dordrecht ; Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993.
    4. K.T.V. Grattan: Sensors : technology, systems, and applications. Bristol ; Philadelphia : A. Hilger, 1991.
    5. Beckwith, T. G. : Mechanical Measurements, Addison Wesley,1995.
    6. James W. Dally et al: Instrumentation for Engineering Measurments, John Wiley & Sons, 1993.
    7. Figliola, R. S. and Beasley, D. E. : Theory and Design for Mechanical measurements, John Wiley & Sons, 2000.
    8. Histand, M. B. and Alciatore, D. G. : Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, McGRAW-Hill Book Co., 1998.
雜  誌 :
    1. Sensors and actuators. A, Physical. Lausanne, Switzerland : Elsevier Sequoia.
    2. Sensor Review. MCB University Press Ltd. USA.
    3. Optical Engineering. SPIE-Society.

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